Privacy on Dev Blogs

When you sign in to Dev Blogs and create an account, you will be able to submit comments, edit your comments, delete comments, edit your profile, or delete your profile.

Submitting, editing, and deleting comments

Submit a comment on that blog from the UI at the end of a blog post.

Submit comment Submit comment
Submit comment Submit comment

Edit a comment: You can edit your comment (or reply to someone else’s comment) from the UI.

Edit comment Edit comment
Edit comment Edit comment

Delete a comment: You can delete your comment from the UI.

Delete a comment Delete a comment

Profile dashboard: You can edit or delete your comments from the profile dashboard. To access your profile, sign in and click your name either in the comments section or in the top right corner of the browser window. From there, you can edit or delete comments by selecting “All My Comments”.

Once deleted, your comment text and association with your account are removed and replaced with generic text saying, “This comment has been deleted.” This helps anonymize the comment while ensuring the comment UI and other comments in the same thread remain intact.

Profile dashboard Profile dashboard

Editing or deleting your profile

Edit your profile

Go to the profile dashboard. From a blog page, find the top-right drop-down menu and select “Profile”.

Or from the dashboard, select “Users > Profile”. From the Profile page you can make edits to your profile information.

Edit profile from blog Edit profile from blog
Edit profile from dashboard Edit profile from dashboard

Delete your profile

At the bottom of the profile editing page (see above for how to reach) you will find a link to delete your profile.

Once you click on Delete Profile you will be taken to a screen which gives you an option to delete your account from all blogs on the Dev Blogs platform or just from a single blog. Please select as needed.

Once confirmed, your information is permanently deleted from all Dev Blogs front end and back end and cannot be recovered.

Delete profile from blog Delete profile from blog
Delete profile from dashboard Delete profile from dashboard

If you would like to learn more details, please read Microsoft’s Privacy Statement. If you require assistance, contact us through the Feedback button on the right.